Drug Use Symptoms & Indicators
Drug abusers typically display symptoms indicating that they are abusing. Common signs and symptoms can be found in their physical appearance and behavior. Learning what these signs and symptoms are and what you should look for will help keep you, your friends and family, or your workplace safe.
Known indicators are the more common and easily observable signs and symptoms of drug use by an individual. If you already know a family member, a friend, a coworker, or a schoolmate is using drugs, they need help. If you care about them, talk to them. If you are not completely sure they are abusing drugs, then your personal observation of the symptoms discussed here may help give you the confidence to approach them and talk with them about the help they need.
Major categories of drug use/abuse indicators are:
We recommend understanding these four indicators so you can make educated decisions to help you determine whether someone is using drugs. This will enable you to be on the lookout for these signs and symptoms and to recognize them in your home, your workplace, or your school. By getting involved and helping those you love and care for, you may prevent drug problems before they reach the crisis level.
First, an important caveat: while the following in combination represent known indicators of drug use, they certainly do not prove drug abuse. For example, a few of these indicators can be attributed to newly-acquired emotional stress (death in the family, job loss, a divorce, etc.). Frankly, a few of them are also identical to symptoms a person exhibits when they simply have the flu. You may even recognize that some of these symptoms are a standard description of how you might define the personality of someone.
On the other hand, in combination, these symptoms could well be drug abuse-related, that's especially true if you observe a sudden appearance of a combination of these indicators in an individual you personally know well. If you recognize that these indicators represent new behavior for them, the possibility is strong that those sudden changes are a result of newly-begun drug use. Please keep the above caution in mind as you familiarize yourself with the following:
Click on the tabs below for more information.
1“Performance” indicators that are often (but not always) specific to drug-abuse
- Excessive absenteeism or tardiness
- Lower productivity, lower grades in school
- Missed deadlines
- Excessive equipment breakdown because of poor maintenance
- Deteriorating work quality
- Poor morale
- Increased minor accidents, mistakes
- Multiple reports of theft, missing personal items by co-workers, classmates
2“Behavioral” indicators that are often (but not always) specific to drug-abuse
- The sudden change in attitude, work, or behavior- a new, “I don’t care attitude”
- The sudden deterioration of long friendships, relationships
- Explosive arguments and disagreements over small matters
- Frequent hangover symptoms
- Using drug culture jargon
- Secretive behavior
- Avoiding straight (non drug-users) co-workers or classmates
- Erratic behavior-forgetfulness-indecision
- Deterioration in personal appearance and hygiene
- Hyper-activity, constant toe or heel-tapping and/or "drumming" of fingers
- Easy excitability
- Restlessness, increased physical activity
- Wearing of long-sleeved garments in very warm weather
- New financial problems or frequent borrowing of money
3“Physical” indicators that are often (but not always) specific to drug-abuse
- Small blood spots or bruises on skin
- Bloodshot or watery eyes
- Runny or irritated nose, irritating cough, sore throat
- Speech pattern changes, slurred speech, faster speech, slower speech
- Tremors or jitters
- Constant scratching of skin, "picking" at skin and hair on arms, etc.
- Poor coordination, tripping, spilling, bumping into things and other people
- Large or small (dilated) pupils
- A faint skin odor- either sweet or acrid
- Easily fatigued or constantly fatigued
- Hyper-excitability
4“Paraphernalia” indicators that are often (and almost always) specific to drug-abuse
- Possession of hypodermic needles, balloons, aluminum foil wrappers, mirrors or flat metal, short straws, glass pipes, smoking pipes, capsules, vials, or folded paper envelopes, a cigarette lighter (or small butane torch) when carried by a known "non-smoker"
- Possession of illicit drugs is a definite "tip-off" of drug-abuse! (Wouldn't you think?)