USDOT Collector Training, Certification, + One Year of Ongoing Tech Support!

USDOT Collector Training & Certification
Remote Distance Learning via Video Conferencing

No need to leave your home to earn your DOT collection certification! Entire instruction conveniently and easily taught and learned via remote "distance learning". You use your computer. We use online manuals and a live webinar.  No matter where you are in the U.S. or Canada, our DOT collector certification training is convenient (and fun) for you to undertake!  You will use the Internet with a small, inexpensive videocam attached to your home computer or laptop to communicate one-on-one with your certifying trainer here in our OHS Inc. offices.

U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)-Required QUALIFIED COLLECTOR TRAINING & INITIAL PROFICIENCY DEMONSTRATION Video Conference/Training Sections- PC to PC or Teleconference

To conduct specimen collections for USDOT-regulated personnel, you MUST be certified per 49 CFR Part 40 guidelines. Completion of our USDOT-compliant training provides you with the required proficiency and certification.

NOTE: Your OHS Inc. DOT Collector Certification will include complimentary ongoing support from our OHS Inc. operations staff at 1.800.456.4647 to answer collection-related questions.

One year of support! We provide this ongoing support to you AT NO CHARGE because we realize that in becoming fully proficient or knowledgeable; you will likely later experience a variety of real-life collection issues that cannot all be covered in your initial training. When the "odd" or "unusual" happens to you for the first time during a collection, and you're not sure of the correct action to take, just call us and ask: 1.800.456.4647, Monday-Friday 8 AM to 5 PM PST (i.e., CA Time), we'll be here to support you!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: Is the OHS, Inc. type of long distance training acceptable and compliant under DOT regulation?
Answer: Yes, absolutely, as stated below under DOT 49 CFR Part 40.33

Question: What does regulation say regarding the Proficiency Demonstration
Answer: The collector must demonstrate their ability as described below under DOT 49 CFR Part 40.33

Question: Is there a written exam?
Answer: Yes, and you must score 80% minimum to pass and be certified. (If passing score of at least 80% is achieved, but one or more answers are incorrect, the correct answer(s) will be explained to you.)

Question: If I fail the written exam (less than 80% correct answers) can I take it again
Answer: Yes, but additional study/training may be required (no extra charge to you for this)

Question: What does OHS Inc. DOT collection training, certification, and ongoing support cost?
Answer: Training, certification, and ongoing support for one person is $190 and for two persons is $165 each if video trained together. Volume discounts are available.

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DOT 49 CFR Part 40.3:

Qualification Training. The training required in order for a collector, BAT, MRO, SAP, or STT to be qualified to perform their functions in the DOT drug and alcohol testing program. Qualification training may be provided by any appropriate means (e.g., classroom instruction, internet application, CD-ROM, video).

DOT 49 CFR Part 40.3

Initial Proficiency Demonstration. Following your completion of qualification training under paragraph (b) of this section, you must demonstrate proficiency in collections under this part by completing five consecutive error-free mock collections.

(1) The five mock collections must include two uneventful collection scenarios, one insufficient quantity of urine scenario, one temperature out of range scenario, and one scenario in which the employee refuses to sign the CCF and initial the specimen bottle tamper-evident seal.

(2) Another person must monitor and evaluate your performance, in person or by a means that provides real-time observation and interaction between the instructor and trainee, and attest in writing that the mock collections are "error-free." This person must be trainer certified.

USDOT-compliant collector training, certification, and ongoing support is $190.00 pp*

* per person rate is reduced for multiple registrants; please call OHS for details: 1-800-456-4647 ext. 205

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