DOT Supervisor Training for Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing

DOT Supervisor Training- A USDOT-guidelines Online Training Course to Certify
'Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing' and 'Workplace Drug-Use Awareness'’s DOT Supervisor Training for Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing help supervisors gain knowledge & confidence to make reasonable suspicion determinations. Enroll today to start learning the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse.
Call 1.800.456.4647 ext. 202 Now!

Two (2) hours of DOT Supervisor Training for Workplace Drug-Use Awareness and Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing, to include comprehensive information about both drugs and alcohol use, is a Federal requirement for ALL supervisors of any DOT-regulated company personnel

. OHS Inc. strongly recommends this special DOT-required training for ALL your non-DOT personnel supervisors and managers, too!
OHS Inc. online DOT-compliant Supervisor Training for Reasonable Suspicion and Workplace Drug-Use Awareness will encourage and enable your supervisors and managers. Supervisors will learn how to be aware of and quickly identify employee drug-abuse in your workplace. Our DOT supervisor training will empower your supervisors and managers to deal with employee workplace drug and alcohol use and drug abuse confidently and effectively. Using a proven protocol, the "Certification of Completion" for this supervisor training helps protect your company and your supervisors from possible legal challenges such as "wrongful termination" when drug testing employees under "Reasonable Suspicion" test "positive" and they are dismissed from employment! Our program fulfills the two (2) hours DOT supervisor training requirement regarding workplace drug and alcohol abuse awareness and a Certification of Completion is issued for the supervisors' personnel files. As little as $39 per supervisor or manager certified!

DOT-required Supervisor Training for "Reasonable Suspicion" drug testing will accomplish this with all your supervisors and managers that undertake it:

1. It will present supervisors and managers with convincing evidence that drug-abuse does exist in the workplace. (Many supervisors and managers are either totally naive or in denial about this "taboo" subject because they simply don't know "how" to deal with it. Our supervisor training teaches them EXACTLY "how" to do so.)

2. It will underscore for them that, as company supervisors and managers, it is their duty and responsibility to you - their employer - to help prevent drug-abuse in their workplace and to personally support a Drug-Free Workplace company-wide.

3. It will enable your supervisors and managers to more quickly, and accurately "identify" when an employee is abusing drugs or is under the influence of drugs (illicit OR legally prescribed) while on the job.

4. It will empower your supervisors and managers to confidently address the issue of drug use and drug-abuse with an employee. Our supervisor training will give them direction on "how" to approach the employee and EXACTLY "what" to say to them. Supervisors and managers will be able to call for a "reasonable suspicion" drug test of a suspected employee in a manner which is legally defensible for your company- should such a defense later become necessary. Help supervisors gain knowledge and confidence to make reasonable suspicion determinations. Fulfill the reasonable suspicion supervisor training requirements.

Subjects covered in our online DOT Reasonable Suspicion Supervisor Training include:

1. Goal of Your Company in Requiring this Special Online Supervisor Training (see 1-4 above)
2. U.S.A. Workplace Drug-Abuse Statistics
3. Why Most Supervisors/Managers Are In Denial or Ignore Possible Employee Drug Problems
4. Obligations and Responsibilities of Company Supervisors and Managers
a. Being Aware of Possible Workplace Drug-use
b. Observing/Monitoring Employees for Possible Drug-use
5. Recognizing/Identifying Workplace Drug-Users
a. PERFORMANCE indicators of employee workplace drug use
b. BEHAVIORAL indicators of employee workplace drug use
c. PHYSICAL indicators of employee workplace drug use
d. PARAPHERNALIA indicators of employee workplace drug use
6. Pictures of Most Common Illicit Drugs- to Aid in Recognition
7. Pictures of Most Typical Drug-use Paraphernalia- to Aid in Recognition
8. Legally-Defensible Procedures for Reasonable Suspicion Testing
a. Approaching/Talking to Employees Suspected of Using Drugs in the Workplace (Employee Intervention)
b. Documenting Employee Interventions in Writing (forms provided)
c. Making the DECISION to Drug Test for “Reasonable Suspicion”
More Help from OHS!’s DOT Supervisor Training for Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing helps supervisors gain knowledge & confidence to make reasonable suspicion determinations. Enroll today to start learning the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse.
Call Now 1.800.456.4647 ext. 202


In 2012, 26.3% of all U.S. employees tested under "reasonable suspicion" were found "lab-positive" for one or more drugs. By 2015 it had increased to 31.9% and in 2024 it was 34.9% of all employees tested for "reasonable suspicion"! This is your Number One reason for having your supervisors and managers take reasonable suspicion training - learn when and how to call for it - even if your company is NOT required by USDOT to have them do so! Source: "The Drug Testing Index"®, Quest Diagnostics 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019


One of the most valuable and effective types of drug tests - yet, usually the least utilized by most companies - is the "REASONABLE SUSPICION" drug test. That is...until their company's supervisors and managers undergo our DOT-compliant Supervisor Training!

WHY IS THE "REASONABLE SUSPICION" DRUG TEST THE MOST VALUABLE TYPE DRUG TEST? By the time an untrained supervisor or manager has sufficient “reason” to suspect drug use by one or more employees, they are most often right! But, they are also too often too late to resolve the situation BEFORE it becomes a workplace crisis!
Educating your supervisors and managers with our supervisor training in the recognition of substance abuse “indicators” (physical, mental, behavioral) symptoms. They will learn how to follow a legally defensible procedure for ordering a “reasonable suspicion” drug test. It is an effective method for preventing a drug-related crisis in your workplace!

WHY THE LEAST UTILIZED? Approaching an employee and expressing a suspicion of drug-use is uncomfortable for most supervisors. In fact, it is so uncomfortable for some managers that they become "enablers"- i.e., they will "look the other way", time and time again. Our supervisor training is the answer.
Unless your supervisors and managers (of DOT and non-DOT personnel, too) are properly trained in workplace drug-abuse awareness and thoroughly prepared to order a Reasonable Suspicion drug test, they are unsure of “what” to do, “how” to do it, and “the right words” to use if they did! Therefore, some managers will simply ignore the situation. By NOT taking action, your supervisors and managers then essentially become “enablers”- actually “helping “ the employee to continue their workplace drug-abuse. How? Because the employee that continues to be “unchallenged” also continues to use drugs.


(1) Preparation sheets that guide the manager on how to prepare for meeting with the employee
(2) Documentation sheets with the actual words to use and questions to ask, space for documenting responses, and instructions on how to arrange the completion of a reasonable suspicion test.


$49 per person ($44 each for 5-9 persons and $39 each if 10 or more will be scheduled to take the training within a 12 months period.). Lower rates are available for companies with 25 or more supervisor/managers to train. Please call 1.800.456.4647 ext. 205 or click below on HELP to contact us for a quote.

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please call 1.800.456.4647 ext. 202 to pre-register the person(s) if you are ready to get training "set up". Thanks! Enroll today to start learning the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse.
</br><br> <h4 style="text-align: center;"><b>Have Questions? Need Help? <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#3366cc;">Contact</span></a> or <a href="tel:+1800-456-4647"><span style="color:#3366cc;">Call Now: 1.800.456.4647 </b></span></a></b></h4>

Have Questions? Need Help? Contact or Call Now: 1.800.456.4647

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